Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yoga… Seriously, Do Something YOU Love!

I have always known about the benefits of yoga, such as improved flexibility, lowering blood sugar, helping lose weight, and many others (if you don't believe me just look it up). Anyway, my point is, although I always knew about the benefits, I have just now started to take advantage of them.

The school that I recently transferred to, has an AMAZING intramural center. I'm talking an olympic size pool, a rock wall, too many basketball/volleyball courts, racquetball, bowling, like almost anything you can think of, plus a gym equipped with any machine you can think of, and weights. However, I digress because I'm usually not using any of those facilities (I'm trying to do better), BUT… you can find me at…… YOGA! 

This practice has really influenced my life physically, mentally, and spiritually. Ya'll I love yoga so much, and you already know I am going to tell you why.

1. It is so much fun, I realize that working out is a big part of having a healthy and balanced life, and yoga allows me to do this while also having fun. I promise that you are more prone to exercise if you find something that you like to do versus just going to the gym and running on the treadmill (unless that's what you like, then by all means girl.. DO YOU).

2. Yoga allows me to not only to physically see, but also feel my body getting stronger. Yoga is like practicing anything else, the more you do it, the better you become. I like the fact that I can feel myself improving each week, every class I go to I feel like I can reach a little farther, stretch a little longer, and balance a little easier. Doing an activity that allows you to see yourself growing and improving helps to better your confidence and self-esteem, and what woman doesn't need more of that?

Bikini Bodies don't come from laying on the couch!

3. Mentally I am in a better space since I started to consistently go to yoga. Doing strenuous moves while constantly breathing in rhythm and relaxing different parts of the body while feeling a stretch in others, teaches you to cope with things in life more easily. If you can stay in plank while holding one foot in the air and squeezing your core all while still breathing rhythmically, you can handle any little test your teacher decides to throw at you last minute. Just breathe, like you always do, because that's what you are taught in yoga.

4. Spiritually I feel more connected with other people and other creatures because of consistently practicing yoga. In class everyone is at different level of ability, but you all have one common goal and that is to leave better and stronger than you came. And don't forget breathing, hearing other people breathe audibly is very relaxing and reminds you to breath through positions that you may find difficult. At the end of yoga my teacher, Courtney (I love her so much, she's  like the human form of peace) always says something along the lines of "May the energy we've created with our practice here today, in some way benefit all creatures. The light in me, sees and recognizes the light in you. Namaste."

I mean how can you not love something with a motto such as that?? For those of you who may be freaking out about the "namaste" it's not like "amen" or anything like that. It's a gesture of gratitude expressed by saying the actual word or doing the gesture, which consists of bowing to others. It means the light in me, sees and recognizes the light in you. 

I love this because if the world would say AND MEAN "namaste" more often, maybe it would truly be a more loving and better place.

I have attached a link with more info about "namaste", a lot of girls were kind of questioning it in my yoga class and I don't want people to think they are sacrificing their Christian beliefs because of saying it (I was a little skeptical my first time about that).

Always with love,

From Bread to Barf...

Let me first start off by apologizing in advance for breaking hearts. Because if you feel half as strongly about what I'm about to tell you as I do, it will break your heart.

Soooo… I recently found out that my FAVORITE fast food restaurant #ChickFilA is using azodicarbonamide in their buns. For those of you that do not know what that is (because I sure didn't before I looked it up), it is a chemical that is usually found in shoe rubber and yoga mats. YEP, that's what I said, shoe rubber and yoga mat ingredients, also in BUNS! 

From here on out azodicarbonamide will be referred to as the yoga mat chemical, or something of the like.


This chemical was also found in their chicken. Although they say it is "approved" by the FDA, this chemical has been banned in other countries such as Europe, and clearly for good reason. Whoever thought that it was okay to "approve" this yoga-mat-shoe-rubber-chemical to be an ingredient in the food that we consume is clearly having conscious issues. 

Like, I'm seriously disgusted. I am really starting to believe that everything we eat is slowly killing us and that in like 10 years we're going to find out that we're apart of some sick government experiment or something. Because although I am overly disappointed in Chick-Fil-As participation in this BS, I cannot in good conscious single them out.

The yoga mat chemical has been found in many fast food restaurants besides Chick-Fil-A:
  • Arby's
  • Wendy's
  • Of course McDonald's
  • Jack in the Box
  • Burger King
  • Subway
I know right? I'm over it as well.

But here is the kicker, LOL! (but not really) what the yoga mat chemical does is make the flour appear "more white" !

This is the face I made when I found that out as well!
At this point I could rant all day so this is all I have left to say….

The food ya'll serve us doesn't look like the picture or the commercial anyway… So why are ya'll trying to make the food look cute now? I'm POSITIVE that I would rather have a nice healthy, non-yoga/shoe rubber meal, than a bun that appears "more white"! So thanks fast food chains, but no thanks. We do not want to eat buns with the same ingredients as the shoes on our feet or the yoga mats we use to work off the calories we consume from eating your rubber! 


To Chick-Fil-A: I am severely disappointed in your choice to participate in this shameful use of inedible ingredients. You are not the normal fast food restaurant, or so I thought and I hold you to a MUCH higher standard. Now I think everything I have ever eaten, that and you have ever told me has been in vain. Is it really "your pleasure" to serve me a chicken sandwich made with this yoga mat ingredient? But more importantly… Should we really eat more chicken? 

Always with love,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Be Great! (Original Date: 6-6-13)

So in my last post I talked about how being mediocre is ridiculous and being great should be what we strive for..

Well I've been exploring that further (I think I'm in a stage of enlightenment, I LIKE IT) and I found this quote by Salvador Dali..

This will also double as a TWIB by the way! (I apologize again for slacking, life of the employed is so not a joke!)

Here is the quote..

First off let me say: YEEESSSS SALAVOR DALI! You are speaking to the people with this one!

So many people are just a waste of matter (not to be rude or anything) because they have so much intelligence and so much potential, but they don't have the drive to do anything with it.

Without work a goal is nothing but a dream, don't get me wrong it's okay to dream, as long as your dreams don't stay dreams forever. God did not give us vision and passion for no reason. The very thing you are dreaming about could help millions of people and you're just sitting on it.

I was at a bible study the other night and the teacher said "Your vision could be the Aspirin to somebody's headache.. How long are you gonna let them suffer?" So go ahead and answer.. How long are you gonna let them suffer?

If you can dance, sing, play baseball, WHATEVER! Don't waste your talent. If you weren't supposed to use it, you wouldn't have it.

If you continue to sit on your talent and just dream and don't put work behind them, you will look back on your life and realize that you have done nothing. At least not anything that you truly wanted to do.

So don't be a waste of matter and talent. Put work and effort behind your vision and dreams. Refuse to be a bird without wings, because what is a bird that cannot fly (sorry penguins, ostriches, do do birds, etc.) ?

Be great, and be happy, at peace, and joyful while doing it, because God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind!

Always with love,

You are Special!! (Original Date: 5-31-13)

Good Morning beautiful chicas!

Today's "This is Why I'm Beautiful" (TWIB), is just uplifting all the way around! 

First I want to touch on how you feel about other people. The more good and positivity you put into the world, the more happiness and joy you will receive back! As the Bible says, "you reap what you sew."

Try looking at people in a different light, I'm not saying be best friends with them, but I'm sure if their is someone (who is not exactly your favorite person) you will be able to deal with them a lot better.

The other side to this is, KNOW YOU'RE WORTH! You may think that you're not smart, or pretty, or you don't have anything to offer. But you are all of that! You never know who is watching you, and how you look through other people's eyes. 

You may think you are not pretty, but you could be beautiful to someone else, and they could admire you. Your life may be the only thing that keeps them going, or they may watch how you handle situations and learn from you.

Sometimes, we as people are the only hope, and help that some people have. Instead of focusing on what you don't have or you don't do well, focus on the things you do have and what you're good at.

You never know who you may be influencing or inspiring!

Always with love,

Shout Out to Delta Airlines! (Original Date: 5-31-13)

This shout out means A LOT coming from me, but I don't mind giving props, where they are do.

Let's not put the cart before the horse though, I'm going to give you a run down on why they kinda, sorta deserve this shout out. You will see why I say "kinda, sorta"

So I have tried to fly home using Delta Airlines THREE times this year, and every single one of them was a horrible experience.

FIRST Flight: My flight was supposed to go like this ---> my hometown to atlanta, atlanta to my current location. Well I flew from my hometown to atlanta and Delta decides to cancel my flight from atlanta to where I live now. Therefore, leaving me STRANDED in the atlanta airport. Thankfully, I found a flight leaving from atlanta back to my hometown.. Still pretty (insert curse word that starts with "s")-y because I had to drive the 7 hours from my hometown to my current location.

Getting mad just thinking about it? That is NOT even the half of it!

SECOND Flight: Went to the airport, flight got delayed twice, then it was just cancelled ( in a nutshell) and did I mention the airport is 30 minutes from my house? So then I drove all the way back home and had to drive the 7 hours home again!

THIRD Flight: "Last but not least" is certainly perfect for this scenario, because it was the worst flight (or lack of flight) experience that I have EVER had. I booked another flight through Delta (don't ask me why, I guess I put a little too much faith in people). Anyway, throughout the day before I got to the airport they kept sending emails saying that the flight got delayed, I'm thinking "OH NO, Not again!" So I got my flight transferred to American Airlines (well I thought I did)

I get to the counter and AA tells me that they do not see me in their system and they are now out of seats (BS), I hit the freakin roof! They tell me that Delta didn't transfer my flight correctly, I go to Delta and they tell me it's their fault (I KNOW THAT LADY) and they had no more flight leaving, and that I needed to get my luggage before the police came to get it, because they close at 5:30 and they were about to go home! (Horrible customer service) I said I wanted a refund, they say well you prob won't get one.. ( I did, they had me confused with somebody else I guess).

Anyway, That's not why I'm posting this, they eventually began to right their wrongs! They sent a $150 gift card to Macy's and it can be used some other places and they sent me this adorable basket of goodies by igourmet ( ) 

This basket is phenomenal! Complete with cookies, cheeses, prosciutto, nuts, caramels, coffee, tea! I am so excited to dig into it!

It also has the cutest little jar of honey!

Is Delta my favorite company? Not by any means! But I do appreciate their effort to compensate for their mistakes. This was a great make-up gift and I truly appreciate it!

Always with love,

Just do it! (Original Date: 5-30-13)

I KNOW! I've been slacking! But I swear I'm gonna try to do better! I just got this new job, so I'm tryna balance things out!

Anyway! Enough with the BS (all of us receive enough of that throughout the day) I'm coming back, and I'm coming back strong. I shall not leave my readers out to dry any longer!

I'm still learning to harness my energy into positive and happy things more and more everyday, so I wanna try to help other people (you guys) do it too! So I'm gonna try to post more about that stuff and then post new finds and goodies in between!

But... Y'all know how I do! So here is a "This is Why I'm Beautiful!" 

I LOVE this quote because it simply is what it is! Just do better! (Insert your favorite angry curse word) but seriously! I'm so tired of having little talks and stuff with people about business that should have been handled or stuff they should be doing! Just simply do better! Is it that hard???

Apparently so.. However, me personally, I'm becoming over it! If I can do everything I need to do and keep my (inserts a other curse word, or many) together then why can't other people! 

I know some of y'all are shouting all kind of "amens" and "hellos" lol! But enough with my rant!

I just want to challenge everybody to do better in all aspects of life. Whether it's eating right, working out, focusing more on school, work, whatever! Just strive to do better at something, anything... Just don't be complacent! 

There is nothing worst than mediocracy! Be great or BE GONE! 


We have enough people in life half-(insert)in it! Be great, be amazing, and if you can't be that quite yet then just do better! You may find yourself finding all kinds of rewards and self-satisfaction! 

I'm not saying you have to be perfect, but ALL of us, and I do mean ALL, should strive to do better every single day! Try it and see how your life changes..

Instead of complaining about everybody else, harness that energy and worry about your life and I can almost promise you that your problem with them will become so irrelevant, so fast!

So tomorrow, next week, everyday.. DO BETTER!!

Always with love,

Trouble Don't Last Always…. (Original Date: 5-22-13)

Hey guys, I know I've been MIA for awhile... But I've had A LOT going on.

I know I haven't posted a "This is Why I'm Beautiful" in a month of sundays, and I'm so sorry.. I've just been feeling kinda down and I didn't want to pass that negative energy to you guys.

However, I know everything is going to be alright. Since this is my first post in such a long time, I want to just give you guys a TWIB...

When I first read this quote (maybe a month or so ago) it didn't really mean too much to me. These last few weeks though..... A MESS! I don't mean can't walk in heels "a mess," or 2 year old sew-in "a mess," I mean an honest MESS.. 

I don't mind sharing this at all because I know someone else may have been through, may be going through, or will go through the same thing.

Over the last few weeks I think I have been at the lowest point that I have ever been in my life. Nothing seemed to go right, and when I say NOTHING, I mean NOTHING! All I could seem to do was cry, get angry, frustrated, I was experiencing all emotions that are associated with negativity.

IT'S OVER though, not literally, but that's what I'm claiming. I still feel this way from time to time throughout the day because some of the things I was dealing with are still weighing on me, but it's time to COME OUT! COME OUT of these feelings of "It's not" and "I can't," and back into the feelings of IT IS, I CAN, and I WILL!

The more I prayed and asked God for his guidance the better I felt, and OH how great it feels to know that I can lean and depend solely on him and know that everything will be okay. 

I AM HAPPY, I AM FREE, I HAVE PEACE, I HAVE JOY, I AM LIVING LIFE IN ABUNDANCE, and there is NOT anything or anyone that can take that away from me. 

Whatever you're going through right now may seem like it is going to consume you, but it's not. Speak positivity over your life and into your life and see if your situation doesn't change. You may not feel like it, but do it anyway. Your life has to line up with what you speak out of your mouth, and more importantly what God says about your life.

Turn to God and began to develop a closer relationship with him. Take away ALL negativity (things, people, ideas) out of your life and replace it with the word of God and positivity, and see if your situation doesn't change.

See positivity, hear positivity, think positive, do positive, and your life can be nothing but positive because that is all that you sew and receive.

You may think that your life is crumbling down around you and the world is caving in on you, but I dare you to try God and see if your situation doesn't change.

Jesus came and died on the cross so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly... LIVE IN YOUR ABUNDANCE

Always with love,

GET A MASSAGE!!! (Original Date: 5-14-13)

I feel soooo..... relaxed (hippie voice).. But seriously y'all, the massage I just got was what? PHENOMENAL! It's been over a year since I last had one before today, and I'm glad I didn't wait a minute longer to get one...

I am REJUVENATED! After the stress of school and finals this was just what I needed. Not to mention I learned so much about massages today that make them way more beneficial than just feeling good. 

I went to Massage Envy (not a sponsor, but I would love to have them as one lol)! Their staff was very helpful, attentive, and the massage is ALWAYS guaranteed to be tailored directly to the individual client. 

I got the Full Body Massage and added on the Foot Sugar Scrub.. It was amazing.. It felt amazing and it does amazing things for your body...

First off, the very act of getting a massage will calm and relax you causing you to feel serene and at peace. This is good for your overall mood and life in general!

Massages also release toxins from your body causing your immune system to become stronger and the body's dependency on medication to lessen.

And for all the ladies expecting babies out there, massages can help make labor easier and shorter, and your hospital stay can be shorter as well.

I don't mean to bore you with all these facts, I'm just super excited about all the stuff I learned today while honing my inner peace! My masseuse was the BOMB.COM and she made my experience well worth the money!

To all you ladies who do everything for everyone else (as most of us do) take some time out and do this for yourself!! Every girl deserves a little R&R, take some time out and GET A MASSAGE!

*** Just remember after your massage to stay hydrated, with all of the toxins you release you need to make sure that your body is getting enough water afterward, so drink plenty. It also makes you feel relaxed and at ease longer (why not get your money's worth?)

Make-Up Mash Up (Spring 2013) (Original Date: 5-13-13)

I am obsessed with lipsticks and lip glosses! I love playing around with all the various shades of pinks, reds, purples, and the occasional colors you can't really describe but you love so much! (I personally am not a fan of the whole blue, greenwhite, etc.. lips, but hey to each its own).

Anyway, I thought this spring was gonna be a drag because everything seemed to be all about "nudes" and I just wasn't with that for the spring.. I associate spring with vivid colors and freedom.. Nude to me is cool, it's pretty with a lot of different things but it doesn't scream "SPRING" to me, and I just wasn't feeling it as the "IT" color for spring!

However, reds have come to my rescue, and hopefully your's too if you feel the same way! Reds are in the season and have been seen on the runway for 2013. I already LOVE lipstick, so now I have to buy a bunch of shades!

As you can see, red lips can be worn formally, informally, and in many different shades.

Red saved us from the dull monotony of nude in the lips department.. But few other funky hues are saving the day for dull eyes!

Blues and greens have been seen ripping the runway for this season. Paired with eyeliner and dramatic lashes this look is sure to turn heads!

And last, but certainly not least... Nude, healthy, and glowing skin is SO in this spring, and I def hope that it carries over into the summer. There is nothing better than shortening your morning routine and going without concealer, powder, and foundation is a GREAT shortcut.. It's too hot in the south to be putting on make-up (just to sweat it off) anyway! Thank you make-up god for giving us girls a break!

 As you can see healthy skin comes in all shades, so stop hiding behind your make-up and let your natural, healthy glow shine through. If anyone wants healthy skin tips comment and I will for sure post some!

Always with love,

This Is Why I'm Beautiful (HAPPY Tea!) (Original Date: 5-10-13)

Sometimes you just need to simply get away from it all and just talk about and do happy things! Even if you're not in a happy mood... SO WHAT!? You have to fake it until you make it!

Life is too short to dwell on the negative when there is so much positive in the world left to be done, and by sewing positive seeds you will reap a positive harvest. 

The next time you're feeling down and out or bad about yourself, do something positive for someone else. Seeing the smile on theirs face will make you have one as well, and eventually this good deed will come back to you.

Simply sip tea, and talk about happy things.. After talking put happy things into action. There may be things to be sad about, but there are WAY more things to smile and be happy about. Happiness is why you're beautiful, so stay that way! 

Always with love,

The Glass is ALWAYS Half-Full! (Original Date: 5-10-13)

Good Morning sunshines!

I have been stirred from my sleep earlier than usual so I look like a zombie as a type this (SO NOT a morning person)!

Moving on, yesterday and "This is Why I'm Beautiful!" (TWIB) I know, I missed one again (sorrryyyy).. I'm striving to do better but life has been a little hectic lately so I'm just "basking in the ambience" of it all!

Here is yesterday's TWIB

All of the TWIBs are inspired by something real that has occurred or occurring in my life. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes not so much, so bear with me as I tell you what inspired me to use this quote.

There was a show on the Discovery Channel and the entire show was about people who live with piranhas (I know, sacrey!) 

Look at the teeth, they literally EAT humans! There is a village where the peoples homes are surrounded by water that is invested with piranhas (Not in the US).. They live in fear of getting bitten or eaten by them. One man even shared the story of him watching his 3 year old grandson getting eaten alive in a tragic accident.

Not to be insensitive but I felt like the mood was getting kinda tense so here is your comic relief! (I love Finding Nemo btw)..

On a serious note though, instantly I became more grateful about my life because things we take for granted like coming home to a piranha-free house, other people struggle with every single day. 

 The moral of this is to remember no matter what you're going through someone could have it a million times worst that you, or me, or anyone. So join me in trying not to complain so much (at all eventually) and NEVER give up because when you think it can't get any worse that only means it has to get better!

P.S. You could always share a house with piranhas, and that's just not cool for anybody!

Always with love,

FINALLY, Coochy Cream!!! (Original Date: 5-8-13)

It's definitely not what it sounds like... Welllll, kinda but not really. It's a shaving cream that I heard about while I was traveling and it has changed the life of me and my unwanted hair!

It of course is for that up close shave "down there" but you can use it to shave anywhere else (legs, armpits, butt, WHATEVER) and you can also use it as hair conditoner (that's what I'm told; I'm not about to put it in THIS Brazilian)!!

My favorite part though is the fact that it doesn't cause any irritation, NO ITCHING & NO BUMPS! 

I got mine from a specialty store, but I've also heard that they sell it at Walgreens.. You guys can check because I'm probably set for awhile ( I got the BIGGEST bottle that they had)!

This is the 16oz with the Aftershave Mist

I think this is the biggest size they had at the store I went to, or it may just be the biggest they have all together. Usually I buy a small size to see if I like a product when first trying it, but this one had me sold in the store. I put a little of the tester on my finger and it literally felt like my skin turned to silk!!

Since it is spring time and summer is following right behind, I know you guys want your legs to be sexy, silky, smooth... This will NOT do you wrong! 

Why do I love it so much?:
   ~ Leaves you rash and itch free
   ~ Skin is SOOO silky and smooth after shaving
   ~ You can use it on your ENTIRE body! (EVERYWHERE, did I mention no rash or itch ANYWHERE?)
   ~ Safe for all skin types
   ~ Paraben Free
   ~ Sugar Free
   ~ Sulfate Free
   ~ It is also NOT tested on Animals!

PLUS!: It comes in a variety of scents so I'm sure you will find one to "fit your fancy!"
Such as: 
              Fragrance Free
              Naked Silk Green Tea (my fave)
              Pear Berry
Just to name a few....

It could also look like this!

To say the least this product it phenomenal! It's one of those products that seems really small but makes your life a whole lot better! 

Let's face it, bumps and being itchy can change your entire mood, and when the "V" is happy everyone is happy!

Now It's Time to Catch Up… (Original Date: 5-8-13)

I am just now getting back to my laptop after all this time.. It feels so good to be back, I know you guys are prob tired of hearing me talk about how I hate using the Blogger app on my phone, but I do. (As I'm writing this an error is showing up for Blogger on my computer) I'm done.. Anyway, I will not let this "shiggity" deter me from my posts!

I know I haven't posted a "This is Why I'm Beautiful" in like two days so I'm about to post two right now in this one post (special edition baby)! Well, it's not that deep, but it sounds good so go with it!

Everybody is beautiful in some way so even if I haven't been posting you should know that, because it's true! However, that statement is not the "This is Why I'm Beautiful" I missed, or the two that I missed for that matter!

The two TWIBs that I am going to post are inspired by the people around me, like most of my post. Each post represents one person's story, so when you think you have it bad, think about how much worst others have it than you.

Here is the first quote!
This weekend a lady shared  a story of heartbreak and betrayal with me and she ended it by saying but "I'm not worried because I know I am enough!" She said it with such power that it made me emotional, to hear what she had been through and to see her respond with that let me know that she was a strong woman and I admire that!

What I want to stress to you guys is that whatever you may be going through or whatever you're facing YOU ARE ENOUGH, and don't let anyone tell you differently. You may have been called ugly, abused, neglected, stabbed in the back or a number of dirty things that life throws at us, but YOU ARE ENOUGH! 

The sooner that you believe that no matter what the circumstance that YOU ARE ENOUGH, the sooner that your life will be filled with more joy, happiness, and peace, and the sooner those other losers misery, depression, and bitterness will flee!

This is pretty self-exlpanatory, but sometimes it's easier to say that than to actually believe it. DON'T give up though, because when you think you can't take anymore something if going to happen that makes everything that you went through and are going through worth it (I know this from experience)! 

Someone that can touch the softest part of my heart is going through a lot right now, it seems as if bad things just keep happening to them, and I became angry because I love them and I hate to see people treat them badly. However, I had to check myself and tell myself that it wouldn't always be that way and that they would get a blessing for enduring such heartache!

I know I'm being all ooey gooey, but I felt like someone needed this..

No matter what happens in your life or where it takes you, remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, and YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

Always with love,

Alba Botanica Facial Cleanser… (Original Date: 5-6-13)

Well since I've been on vacation and I left my laptop at home (I'm over it!) I was gonna hoard y'all with all the new things I've come to love, when I got home.... However, I really want to post this one because it is of course, PHENOMENAL (I know I say it a lot)!

It's this new face wash that I've tried by Alba Botanical! It's sounds fancy but they sell it at Wal-Mart! (can you say Champagne lifestlye on a beer budget... in a good way of course) They have a lot of different products, everything you need to care for your skin... and it's gentle!

My cleanser doesn't even lather, (the name of it is Deep Cleansing Coconut) it's like a gentle cleansing lotion! I try to moisturize after I clean my face (but sometimes I'm so tired I forget) and of I do, my skin doesn't feel tight or dry at all. With other cleansers I always feel like my face and lips are about to crack afterwards... (so not sexy).

  - It's 100% vegetarian!
  ---> NO:
           - Artificial Colors
           - Paraben
Or any of those other -ides and -ates!

OH! And did I mention no animal testing and the bottle is 100% post consumer resin! This is an all-around good product. Good for your skin and the environment!!

Anyway, They're not sponsoring this is just my opinion and my skin testimony! Finding great products is so hard to do and the dermatologist can get pricey.. So I try to help out my fellow ladies as much as I can.

I hope this has helped y'all. My skin definitely thanks me for the change everyday! 

This is the one I use.

Always with love,

Nice Nasty, But Not Really! (Original Date: 5-5-13)

Sorry the "This is Why I'm Beautiful" of the day is so late!

A LOT has been going on today (well this week really).. But I really like this quote (like all of them that I post lol) but seriously..

If people could get their points across without being ugly or degrading someone else or their character, this world would be a much better place.

Like the quote I posted earlier this week, all things should be done in love! Although I don't exactly do that ALL the time, I TRY! Just like the rest of the world, I get angry. However, I'm trying to replace the irritation or anger I feel towards some things or people into positive energy and happy emotions.

Is it hard?? HECK YEP! I pray to be slow to anger, but it doesn't always work out that way (oh well, I try again)! Just like you should. At the end of the day, you are in control of you. Don't allow anyone to bring you out of your character or ruin your day!

YES, I know it's late, but it's here!

Always with love,