Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Glass is ALWAYS Half-Full! (Original Date: 5-10-13)

Good Morning sunshines!

I have been stirred from my sleep earlier than usual so I look like a zombie as a type this (SO NOT a morning person)!

Moving on, yesterday and "This is Why I'm Beautiful!" (TWIB) I know, I missed one again (sorrryyyy).. I'm striving to do better but life has been a little hectic lately so I'm just "basking in the ambience" of it all!

Here is yesterday's TWIB

All of the TWIBs are inspired by something real that has occurred or occurring in my life. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes not so much, so bear with me as I tell you what inspired me to use this quote.

There was a show on the Discovery Channel and the entire show was about people who live with piranhas (I know, sacrey!) 

Look at the teeth, they literally EAT humans! There is a village where the peoples homes are surrounded by water that is invested with piranhas (Not in the US).. They live in fear of getting bitten or eaten by them. One man even shared the story of him watching his 3 year old grandson getting eaten alive in a tragic accident.

Not to be insensitive but I felt like the mood was getting kinda tense so here is your comic relief! (I love Finding Nemo btw)..

On a serious note though, instantly I became more grateful about my life because things we take for granted like coming home to a piranha-free house, other people struggle with every single day. 

 The moral of this is to remember no matter what you're going through someone could have it a million times worst that you, or me, or anyone. So join me in trying not to complain so much (at all eventually) and NEVER give up because when you think it can't get any worse that only means it has to get better!

P.S. You could always share a house with piranhas, and that's just not cool for anybody!

Always with love,

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